Great Barrier Reef - Great Love
Love Heart Island photo from @greatbarrierreeffoundation
Did you know the Great Barrier Reef is so big it’s visible from space?
This irreplaceable global icon is home to thousands of species of marine life, including fish, whales, dolphins, and six of the world’s seven species of marine turtle.
But the Reef is under increasing pressure from a changing climate and local threats.
Growing up alongside this natural wonder, I have always had such a deep admiration and respect for the Great Barrier Reef. Many of my fondest childhood memories involve snorkelling and exploring the place that mother nature poured her heart and soul into creating. It is such a special thing that I now get to bring my own little fam up in the same way, seeing the awe and astonishment in my own child’s eyes when exploring this slice of paradise.
This is why Feather + Fig, as part of our ongoing Sustainability Framework, have partnered up with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to assist in the preservation and restoration of our beautiful Reef. For every purchase made, we will donate $1 to go towards helping fund on-ground projects, scientific research and innovative technologies to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
We believe that investing in today, will be tomorrow’s reward and feel that this new sustainability initiative, although a small act, can go towards something large. We don’t just want our children to read about the GBR in the history books - we want them and many future generations to live alongside this natural beauty.
At Feather + Fig we keep saying - from little things big things grow - and although merely a small NQ Aussie label, we have big dreams - not only for our biz, but for a more sustainable future.
Jenna xx